Wednesday, April 15, 2009

“Chanakya Niti” - Developing Leaders

Chanakya was an ancient teacher / trainer from India who transformed one of his students “Chandragupta Maurya” as a great king from scratch. Chandragupta Maurya was the grandfather of the great king “Ashoka”.

Chanakya had also played the role of a strategic leader to ensure defeat of Alexander when the latter had attacked India. Chanakya has shared his knowledge and philosophies through his huge literatures which mainly include the books popularly known as “Chanakya Niti” and “Kautilya’s Arthashastra”. “Chanakya Niti” can be considered as his overall management philosophies which have many verses in Sanskrit language.

RAJYA-MULAM-INDRIYA JAYAH: Those who have complete control over their senses can become great leaders. To ensure the same we should learn to keep control over our ‘Mind’ which manages our thoughts, speech and physical actions. Our senses are influenced by Material Desires. Our true inner self, the soul is linked to the body through mind. Meditation helps in self-realization, which helps in controlling senses utilization, by developing control over mind.

JIT-ATMA SARVAYEH SAMYUJYET: The super souls, who are self-disciplined and self controlled, lead their life with an objective of serving others in a selfless state of mind and achieve great success for all forms of lives across the globe. Thus indirectly the ones who are short visionary, greedy and selfish; they ill affect the wellbeing of the world at large.

NASTY-AHANKAR SAMAH SATRU: There can be no other enemy as dangerous as our own ego. The ego of material achievements like money, fame, power etc. are related to our current form of life as a human-being which is temporary in nature. We are spiritual beings having physical existence until we achieve salvation. We should keep ourselves detached from the trap of ego attracted by our material achievements related to our current form of material life.

SARVA- JAYATYA KRODHA: The one who can conquer anger can conquer everything.

PRIYA-VADINO NA SATRU: The one, who speaks politely and pleasantly, makes no enemies.

SARVASYA BHUSHANAM VINAYA: The best ornament of all is humbleness.

SAT-YEN DHARYATE LOKAH: The commitment to truth leads to real success and true happiness across the globe forever.

NASTI DEHINA SUKH-DUKHA-BHAV: Happiness and sorrow are two sides of a coin i.e. our life. Success and failure are parts of the life cycle. Our failures teach us to be careful the next time by not repeating the same mistakes again. Success in one commitment may guide us to succeed in other tasks which are yet to be performed in life. Learn from past failure and success, but live in present. This will help us to plan for the future in a much better way.

TRUSHNAYA MATI-CHHADHYATE: Influence of extreme material desires destroys the conscience. The one who gets trapped by extreme materialism can not understand the power of spiritual intelligence and gets biased only towards illusory and deceptive material intelligence.

DUKHANAM-AUSHADHAM-NIVARNAM: The final solution to all the worries, problems and formalities attached to material forms of lives is only Salvation / Moksha / Nirvana. Salvation is the peak of spiritual growth. It is the ultimate peace and happiness for the completely enlightened soul having no “KARMA” balance. It’s our permanent liberation from the slavery of temporary material forms of lives on material planets Viz. Earth, Heaven and Hell.

VIDHYA-ARVYAPITA KHYATI: Knowledge fetches respect and real success. Learning is a continuous and never ending process. We should always be ready to learn with an open mind.

YATHA BIJAM TATHA NISPATI: We reap what we sow i.e. Law of Karma.